A DEAD language called RAMMAYTUSH is a language which existed for more than 1,500 years in San Francisco bay area. Only 104 words have been discovered - with certainty. The above translated words are embedded on King Street, Embarcadero.... the above words bordered a bluff when I was overlooking Mission Bay on a drizzly December day. I assume they exist for pedestrians to consider as they step on them over and over again, strolling along and above knowledge long time gone. Perhaps a desperate attempt to materialise the ethereal nature of our existence. For this blogpost I asked to few friends - from different walks of life and corners on earth to shortly describe what "LANGUAGE" means to them. Saludos, GUILLERMO Milena Prajzlerova, Zdice, Czech Republic: "Dorozumívání ~ neboli komunikace ~ je sdělování informace informaci,myšlenek,názorů a pocitů mezi živými bytostmi,lidmi i živočichy obvykle prostřednictvím společné soustavy symbolů. Zvířata se dorozumívají různý...