Of course, I could just not have another dull subject. I had to make it a little special - as you do! ... and with the support of my students, friends, colleagues and industry.... "Industry, Awards and Research Night 2007, 2008 and 2009" Final year research projects in Property, Construction and Project Management 2007 (70 students), 2008 (110 students) and 2009 (210 students). In 2007 the installation took place at one of Melbourne's most emblematic buildings "Federation Square", more specifically at the BMW Edge space which is an amazing "steel and glass box" with a non-lineal structure which resembles a messed-up honeycomb pattern. The building is sitting by the Yarra river which is Melbourne's backbone. Fed Sq complex is literally placed over the numerous rail-tracks coming of Flinders railway station (east side). The complex was designed by LAB Architects and built by Multiplex. It suffered of massive costs overruns but the end result has bee...