MY EARLY WORK: Proyecto Casa Cubo: Guadalajara, México (1992-93). Centro de meditación en Tapalpa, Jalisco, México (1993). Proyecto Hotel y Centro de Convenciónes. Guadalajara, Mexico (1994). Proyecto de Tesis: Restauración Templo San Miguel de Belén y conjunto urbano - with Juan Manuel Salgado Alcaraz (1994-95). Work at Seville University and UIA Barcelona 1996 will take place in another blogpost. The architectural pilgrimage: Europe from January 1996 to November 2003. Daniel Libeskind lecture on the extention of the V&A Museum. Other influential lectures at the Royal Academy of Arts and RIBA included Norman Foster, Kisho Kurokawa, Charles Jencks and visits to Richard Rogers, Norman Foster and DEGW studios. Some of the following shots include conference at the UIA Barcelona 1996 where I got to attend to presentations by Herzog and De Meuron, Norman Foster, Zaha Hadid, Ricardo Legorreta. During that summ...