"I am a visual man. I watch, I watch, I... I understand things through my eyes." Henri Cartier-Bresson, LIFE 15.03.1963 Henri Cartier-Brenson, thank you for being such a good travel companion, for your lessons on viewing the world. I truly enjoyed navigating Fiji and the South Pacific with you... where there is space for reflection, contemplation and relaxation in an Ocean of sunny days and starry nights. Guillermo Aranda-Mena Domo-Domo [masthead] A massive horned masthead. Comes from the last Ocean going double hulled canoe [outrigger] called the 'Ramarama' a final link in a chain of great druas of the name built for the 'Tui Cakau' by his 'inataitoga', the descendant of a chain of samoan canoe builders (Lemaki) whi were brought to Fiji from Tonga in the late nineteen century (1872-1877). The main hull of the Ramarama was 30.18 mts and the Domo-Domo 4.32 mts high. Suva Museum, Fiji 16.7.2011 Fiji [Viti] "If every single ...