"Londinium was established as a town by the Romans after the invasion of AD 43 led by the Roman Emperor Claudius. Archaeologists now believe that Londinium was founded as a civilian settlement or civitas by AD 50. A wooden drain by the side of the main Roman road excavated at No 1 Poultry has been dated by dendrochronology to AD 47 which is likely to be the foundation date." Poem shared by my mate John Hollinshead - a proud Londoner: Message: "I've always liked this poem. I guess I thought it chimed with the frieze from the Parthenon and some of the other sculptures we looked at [visit to the British Museum - 10 October, 2011]. It's interesting looking at different translations of the same poem, it's astonishing how different they can be!" "Archaic Torso of Apollo" by Rainer Maria Rilke (trans: Stephen Mitchell): "We cannot know his legendary head with eyes l...