Things to take: Service car prior to leaving - inc. 2nd 12v connector, polyair levels, rotate and wheel alignment DONE Tent - ground tarp and shade tarp Sleeping bag, pillow, air mat, mat cover Poles, pegs and rope bag - roof Gas bottles x 2?, reflectors and hoses bag - roof Camping gloves - for making and breaking camp Fire wood, paper, matches, axe, splitter, gloves, hessian bags (for collecting wood) - roof Water x 2 (30 lts) - consider door inserts Two spare tyres - tie downs - roof Spare fuel (20 lts) - roof Fridge Recovery gear - long handled shovel (roof), tyre pump, recovery pack Torches Kitchen box: see below Food box: see below Bathroom box inc toilet paper, small shovel, wet ones and towelettes, brush and shovel, chux washes Clothes - inc warm c...