Digital crafting , perhaps an oxymoron. Perhaps a new dimension in the age of the 4.0 revolution. We, the human species, are rapidly moving into a new living reality, in which a continuum between reality and virtuality... augmented reality and simplified virtuality is a constant. With the promise of improving quality of life and liveability form providing civic spaces from leisure to increasing a sense of public safety and prosperity, a new society in tune with technology which is to better our lives. Work-life balance is seen as the imposible dichotomy which might find a better fit under Jeremy Rifkin's Zero Marginal Cost society. Mankind has traveled from hand-craft , to tool-craft , to machine-craft to mind-craft , todays digital- craft is rapidly evolving... perhaps into a data-craft in which the challenge is on harvesting the data rather than mining it... mind the gap! Watch this space. Guillermo Aranda-Mena Hong-Kong - 5th, July, 2016 ...