MIELE KITCHEN CONCEPT COMPETITION [Melbourne - 2016] The Timelessness of ‘Forever Better’ by Guillermo Aranda-Mena Image 1: Imagine yourself at the beginning of time when mankind was about to invent his first tool; a simple tool to survive, prepare, eat... Imagine yourself when fire was discovered and the first dishes prepared - the first simple hearths - the precursors to the Miele ideal. Image 2: Fast forward and imagine a time when agriculture provided means to end the nomadic lifestyle and to set up a place that was the home, and at the centre the family hearth - the stove, the kitchen - Miele. Image 3: Imagine now The Renaissance, where in the true sense of ‘Forever Better’ the kitchen continues to grow, where in castles the 14 course wedding banquet was pivotal in cementing an alliance between a ruling family in a yet to be united Italy and a monarchy in Spain or France. Here are the first commercial kitchens where the ideals of efficiency, performance, desig...