My own interpretation of Futurismo. "Shelf" by Ettore Sottsass at La Triennale, Milano 2017 I have been most intrigued on recent findings (my own findings) on the motivations for the emergence of the early 20th Century movement know as 'Il FUTURISMO', in particular the ambition to re-set history afresh. Would be unthinkable in a country so entrenched with history, but they did. They created a Manifesto and attracted a large audience. It was the first call towards what eventually became the "Made in Italy" with all the connotations and denotations known to many of us. There are a few observations here: Socio-cultural standing: To make an aggessive impact on the cultural scene with clear actions that would disrupt the orthodox world. Both, inclusive and divisive, aiming to attract all artist that at the time where standing in a cultural vacuum or straight-jacket. A general audience rather than a privileged group. Somehow an ambition to what pop-art music achi...