Facing Picasso

...with a pinch of salt. "The Vollard exhibition had been a success; Picasso had sold several paintings, made some money, and established the beginnings of a marked for his work. But he wasn't interested in being a glorified illustrator: he wanted to become Picasso. And for that to happen he had to stop producing his bright pastiches, and change track. He realized it would cause him some short-term financial pain, but hoped it would lead to long-term creative (and commercial) gain. Which is why with the bold optimism of youth, he stopped copying in July 1901 and started to steal instead." WIll Gompertz, Think Like an Artist pg. 88 Guillermo and Iain McKay at the The National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia (September 2022). Guillermo Aranda-Mena 2022