Spaceship Concertina V_50505: Link to tele transportation.

Spaceship Concertina V_50505: Link to tele transportation (or copy and paste: Exhibition, Public opening, August 6th. “I am turning 50 and have been very fortunate to have experienced the world in a unique way. I titled this exhibition Voyage as an evocation of the amazing journeys of Jules Verne, Voyage Extraordinaires. I believe it has taken me 50 years to prepare for this exhibition and for it I have created a series of 50 watercolours in A3 landscape format, framed in white, 400mmx500mm, with one concept in mind - my personal journey. Each painting has been an opportunity to re-visit meaningful places, one for each year of my existence since 1973. Each watercolour depicts a memorable environment, either a location, building or landscape. For this exhibit I have relied purely on my memories and personal references such as sketch books, visual notes, and...