RedDot Republic
The island is a safe and well located - mostly flat - plot of land natural and reclaimed to the sea which provides a 'piece of mind' to banks, businesses and global corporations wanting to base their HQ or branch offices in South East Asia. Singapura meaning the mythological figure of a Sea Lion seems a sensible place and predictable location. Trustworthy and easiness for doing business [inc. effective Internet systems] is a constant that draws foreigns into it.
Why the ReDot Republic? A "little red dot" is certainly all you can see if you are looking for Singapore on the world-map. Still, the little red dot is a city, a state and a country of 647 sq km at the tip of the Malay peninsula.
Over the last 30 years Singapore has transformed its economy (and pretty much its existence) from a dirty shabby town into a first world state. A truly remarkable achievement... at the cost of strict discipline and government measures over the years... skeptics argue that progress costed the "Sea Lion" its soul!
I have an ongoing relation with the RedDot Republic since 2005. This blogpost is a random selection of images of Singapore's cityscape at different scales. It is more concern at picturing patterns where readers/visitors can "connect the [red] dots" !
saludos "la",