few recent notes and sketches...

The other day after the office I went to a tour/talk organized by the city office of preservation of historic (or for some reason remarkable) buildings. We visited one of the first and very few high-rise buildings in ZH. It's called Lochergut and one sees it far away also from my kitchen windows.
It is formed by seven high buildings plus three lower ones. At night, when one sees only its lights one may think of a huge whale which got lost in the middle of the city. Since the complex is so big (for CH scale) and as part of the apartments are susidized, the whole complex had a bit of a bad reputation in the past but most recently it has become cool again to live there, especially among bohemians as rents are quite cheap considering the central position and the breathtaking view you have from the upper floors.

Hi Guillermo,
I'm Cristiano Siri an "User Experience Designer and C0-design" evangelist from Rome, Italy. We have a common friend here in Rome: Matteo Siciliani de Cumis. He told me about you, your job and studies and your blog which i'm following.
I'm writing you now just to establish a connection, since i think we care about some common topic: collaborative design and participatory design. I'm mainly a practicioner, with no academic background so could be we can share some knowledge and learn from each other.
In the last 6 month i've organized and partecipated to many public co-design workshop, like Global Service Jam (local - global) and Design Jams (i'm currently organizing one in Rome on 2-3 July).
Finally i saw your last post in your blog: i love sketchnoting (here you can find some sketchnotes of mine) and in the last month i falled in love with white on black paper as your sketches: can i ask you the name of the black sketchbook you used? Or where is avaiable?
Thanks a lot,
hope this mail could be the opening of a fruitful connection.
Cristiano Siri
How exciting to hear from you! Yes, at some point Matteo mentioned you to me. He also mentioned about design jams and other things. It is great we are finally in touch! Thanks for that - and thanks for the links to designmjams and your sketches. They are fabulous! ... they are actually 'ideograms'. You could be an excellent academic, I think! ;-)

The other day after the office I went to a tour/talk organized by the city office of preservation of historic (or for some reason remarkable) buildings. We visited one of the first and very few high-rise buildings in ZH. It's called Lochergut and one sees it far away also from my kitchen windows.
It is formed by seven high buildings plus three lower ones. At night, when one sees only its lights one may think of a huge whale which got lost in the middle of the city. Since the complex is so big (for CH scale) and as part of the apartments are susidized, the whole complex had a bit of a bad reputation in the past but most recently it has become cool again to live there, especially among bohemians as rents are quite cheap considering the central position and the breathtaking view you have from the upper floors.
I like the june post on your blog a lot. My favourite drawing is il canguro. I like it a lot. But also the Uluru with the stars. It reminds me of the drawing of the hat / elephant in a boa from the story of the Piccolo Principe. Do you know it?
Have a great end of term, mio caro Guillermo, and a nice weekend.
Mille baci e un abbraccio forte
PS. Have you heard of the Swiss guy who had an accident with his skate board ... in the Burnley-Tunnel?! I promise I'll behave better, and just to be sure, I'll leave my skate at home...
Hi Guillermo,
I'm Cristiano Siri an "User Experience Designer and C0-design" evangelist from Rome, Italy. We have a common friend here in Rome: Matteo Siciliani de Cumis. He told me about you, your job and studies and your blog which i'm following.
In the last 6 month i've organized and partecipated to many public co-design workshop, like Global Service Jam (local - global) and Design Jams (i'm currently organizing one in Rome on 2-3 July).
Finally i saw your last post in your blog: i love sketchnoting (here you can find some sketchnotes of mine) and in the last month i falled in love with white on black paper as your sketches: can i ask you the name of the black sketchbook you used? Or where is avaiable?
Thanks a lot,
hope this mail could be the opening of a fruitful connection.
Cristiano Siri
| User Experience Designer and Co-design evangelist
| at your side to create happier users
| A good designer is a wise guide, not a prophet!
| at your side to create happier users
| A good designer is a wise guide, not a prophet!
Ciao Cristiano,
How exciting to hear from you! Yes, at some point Matteo mentioned you to me. He also mentioned about design jams and other things. It is great we are finally in touch! Thanks for that - and thanks for the links to designmjams and your sketches. They are fabulous! ... they are actually 'ideograms'. You could be an excellent academic, I think! ;-)
I'll have a more careful look to your Co-desing site and will be in touch. I really hope we can do something! I am very fond of Matteo e Francesca so pls. say hello for me.
a presto,