El Alquimista

... my life journey. "On finding one's destiny" ... when you really want something to happen, the whole universe will conspire so that your wish comes true. The path into one's life journey: I am not sure it will be a round trip... all I can say is that it certainly has not been an straight line nor a silo type. It has been more like an spiral, or perhaps a roller-coaster. It has been interesting, full of turns, some of then expected, others' unexpected. Some times a hilly path, sometimes a bumpy one. Sometimes a clear and sunny one, some others a dusty and blurry one. Sometimes holding hands with success, others as Hand Solo! ... overall, my life journey like no other! Guillermo AM St Kilda, Victoria, Australia End-of-May, 2016 "El Sabio escuchó atentamente el motivo de su visita, pero le dijo que en aquel momento no tenía tiempo de explicarle el Secreto de la Felicidad. le sugirió que diese un paseo por su palacio ...