August was an exciting month. I much enjoyed my first visit to mainland China. Wuhan is the city I was invited to give a lecture on 'BIM in Australia'. Wuhan is a 'town' of some 10 million inhabitants (HUST University campus has 'only' 110'000 residents). Wuhan opens a complete metro line p/year. 28th of December is 'Metro Day'. Regional capital expenditure on infrastructure for Hubei Province (of 57m population) is similar to that of the UK. Manufacturing is another dominant economic activity. Climate in August is "supper" hot and humid! Food is equally hot! :)

The BIM Summer School at HUST is a 5-day intensive program in which 10 scholars from around the world are invited to present their research and to showcase the state-of-the-art in BIM (architecture or infrastructure) from their home countries. The audience was a large class of U/G, P/G and PhD students from engineering, building and architecture (the student I am with in the photo is doing his PhD on 3D printing scale 1:1).

I had the pleasure to spending a week with well know colleagues such as Miroslaw Skibniewski (Editor of Automation in Construction); Heng Li from Hong Kong; Xiusan Guban from U. of Kyoto;  Evelyn Lin Teo from NUS Singapore, Hai Jiang Li from U. of Cardiff, UK and Ghang Lee from Yonsei, Seoul.

G'bye August - Welcome September!

Guillermo Aranda-Mena © 2016